A Brief History
Boones Creek Christian Church has a rich history dating back to the early 19th century. The “Great Meeting on Boones Creek”, led by James Miller was held in the summer of 1825, marking the start of BCCC. Earliest records list a membership of 134. On August 17, 1829, Boones Creek hosted the first recorded conference of Christian churches in East Tennessee. This gathering included elders such as Jeriel Dodge, Robert M. Shankland, John Wallace, and William Slaughter, who collectively reported 472 members across East Tennessee and southwest Virginia.
Earliest church records show the appointment of elders in September, 1834. Seven elders and 3 deacons were selected. The church membership totaled 250 in 1844. By 1865, membership dropped, possibly due to political divisions from the Civil War and black member loss due to new congregations. In 1866, Bethel Christian Church was planted in Jonesborough with Hezekiah Hankal as minister.
Over the past 200 years, Boones Creek Christian Church has experienced significant growth. What began as a small country church has expanded to an average attendance of 1,200 in attendance, situated in one of the fastest-growing areas in East Tennessee. Today, the church remains vibrant and active, committed to missions by allocating substantial portions of its general fund offerings to local, regional, and international mission efforts annually.
Boones Creek Christian Church continues to serve its community, upholding a legacy of faith and dedication that has spanned two centuries. The mission of BCCC to spread the Good News of Jesus Christ throughout the community and the world guides us into the future.
The images below are from 1947. The left picture is a Sunday school class which has some of our members in it. The middle picture is what the original church looked like in 1947.
Earliest church records show the appointment of elders in September, 1834. Seven elders and 3 deacons were selected. The church membership totaled 250 in 1844. By 1865, membership dropped, possibly due to political divisions from the Civil War and black member loss due to new congregations. In 1866, Bethel Christian Church was planted in Jonesborough with Hezekiah Hankal as minister.
Over the past 200 years, Boones Creek Christian Church has experienced significant growth. What began as a small country church has expanded to an average attendance of 1,200 in attendance, situated in one of the fastest-growing areas in East Tennessee. Today, the church remains vibrant and active, committed to missions by allocating substantial portions of its general fund offerings to local, regional, and international mission efforts annually.
Boones Creek Christian Church continues to serve its community, upholding a legacy of faith and dedication that has spanned two centuries. The mission of BCCC to spread the Good News of Jesus Christ throughout the community and the world guides us into the future.
The images below are from 1947. The left picture is a Sunday school class which has some of our members in it. The middle picture is what the original church looked like in 1947.

Historical Timeline
Boones Creek CC Ministers
Ross Dampier (1942-1943)
Arthur Edwards (1954-1963)
Al Lovell (1963-1969)
Palma Bennett (1969-1971)
Dr. David Wead (1972-1984)
Charles Reese (1985-2000)
David Clark (2001-2023)
Ben Cole (2023-Present)
Arthur Edwards (1954-1963)
Al Lovell (1963-1969)
Palma Bennett (1969-1971)
Dr. David Wead (1972-1984)
Charles Reese (1985-2000)
David Clark (2001-2023)
Ben Cole (2023-Present)
The “Great Meeting on Boones Creek” led by James Miller and Jeriel Dodge tookplace in the summer. Earliest records list a membership of 134 at BCCC.
The Christian Church Conference Annual Meeting met at Boones Creek with 472 in attendance.
Evangelistic Meeting with 56 additions. Church has 156 members
The “Brick Church” was constructed with 2 front doors. Men and women were listed separately in the membership role, came through separate doors, and sat on separate sides. This building was used for 102 years.
Hezekiah Hankal is ordained to the Ministry, and Bethel Christian Church is planted in Jonesborough
Church buys 1-3/8 acres for $103.00 for a “Hitching Ground”, and house to change baptismal clothes. Baptisms took place in Boones Creek, adjacent to the building
Church buys 5/16 acre for $15
First worship service held in new sanctuary and classroom building
Annex building completed consisting of a parsonage, fellowship hall, kitchen, and office. This building is currently used as our ‘office complex’.
Dedication Service of sanctuary, adding 100 additional seats, 8 classrooms, and air conditioning. Cost- $85,000
Dedication of Fellowship Hall and classrooms across the street. Currently used as the children’s worship area and classrooms.
Purchase of 10 acres to Pinnacle Drive @ $25,000 per acre
Dedication and move into current Sanctuary and educational building from across Christian Church Road. The cost was $2,235,472
Addition of Gymnasium, classrooms, and kitchen. The cost was $3,386,178
50-50 Capital Stewardship Campaign is created- 50% of contributions go towards paying off debt for the gymnasium building and 50% goes to funding Christian missions locally and all over the world.