Sunday, February 16th & Monday, February 17th
Sermon Text: Acts 2:37-41(NIV)
The WiFi network is called BCCC_Guest
and the password is "Christian".
Sermon Text: Acts 2:37-41(NIV)
The WiFi network is called BCCC_Guest
and the password is "Christian".
We hope you are drawn closer to Jesus by your time in Worship with us today. If, during the service, you decide you would like to receive a call from a minister, talk with someone about being baptized, joining this church family, or joining a small group, please click the Respond button below. We will be happy to get in touch with you soon about your decision!
Breakout CLass

Men's Breakfast

We are kicking off 2025 with a men's breakfast on February 22nd at 8:30 AM in the Gym. A speaker will be named soon, but we wanted to get the men together again this year and start off with some discussion about men's events, Bible studies and more. Please register so we know how many to plan on and we look forward to having you join us! Any questions, contact Brian Snyder by clicking the button below. Registration button below also.
Pickleball beginners class

Have you wanted to learn to play pickleball and weren’t sure where or how to go about it? Now is your chance to learn the fastest growing sport in the country in a low-key and fun space!
On Sunday afternoon, March 9th, from 3 PM to 6 PM, BCCC will be offering a Beginner Pickleball Class. This is especially for those who have never held a paddle to those who have played just a time or two but would like to learn more about how, what, and why to play with purpose.
The class will be led by David Eversole, member of the BCCC staff and certified pickleball coach. The class will be limited to 12 participants to ensure an optimum ratio for instruction and due to court space. We are asking for $20 payment for this class (not tax deductible), with all payments going to the Kids Against Hunger program.
To reserve your spot and make your donation, please click on the button below or text the word ‘Pickleball’ to 423-251-1200.
On Sunday afternoon, March 9th, from 3 PM to 6 PM, BCCC will be offering a Beginner Pickleball Class. This is especially for those who have never held a paddle to those who have played just a time or two but would like to learn more about how, what, and why to play with purpose.
The class will be led by David Eversole, member of the BCCC staff and certified pickleball coach. The class will be limited to 12 participants to ensure an optimum ratio for instruction and due to court space. We are asking for $20 payment for this class (not tax deductible), with all payments going to the Kids Against Hunger program.
To reserve your spot and make your donation, please click on the button below or text the word ‘Pickleball’ to 423-251-1200.
BCCC CO-ED Softball

Seniors trip
Register now for the Ark Encounter and Creation Museum trip on May 13 - 14th. This is the big trip for the Senior Adults and is limited to 56 people. The cost is $200 per person and includes transportation, hotel, admission to both attractions and a buffet meal at the Ark. Registration deadline is April 1st. If you have any question, please contact Brian Snyder. Registration button below.

Kids against hunger fundraiser beginning March 2nd
March 2nd-16th
M&M mini tube fundraiser for Kids Against Hunger
Pick-up your free tube of M&M’s at the Connection Corner and refill with quarters
Each tube should hold $14.00
Return filled tubes to designated box at Connection Corner no later than March 23rd
**Donations other than quarters (checks/bills) are also accepted**
M&M mini tube fundraiser for Kids Against Hunger
Pick-up your free tube of M&M’s at the Connection Corner and refill with quarters
Each tube should hold $14.00
Return filled tubes to designated box at Connection Corner no later than March 23rd
**Donations other than quarters (checks/bills) are also accepted**

Recruiting Cleaners
As part of our newly re-implemented Safety Team, we are looking for some volunteers to help us with facility needs on Sunday mornings. These might be mopping a spill, cleaning up after a leak, or helping make sure the restrooms are always clean and tidy. Our idea is one or two volunteers would be 'on call' each hour, each Sunday and we would only contact them if we need their assistance. We would provide training of how we can clean and where to find equipment and supplies. If you would be interested in serving in this way please click the button below.
Jail ministry team

We need women to volunteer at the Washington County Jail near Jonesborough. We have a team already serving there, but they are needing more females to volunteer to reach the women. If you are interested, please contact Brian Snyder by clicking the button below to discuss next steps.
Church directory photos
We are growing at BCCC and BCUC. With growth it's always great to be able to put a name and face together. If we do not currently have a photo of you or your family in the church directory, please forward a current photo to the church office. Our church directory can be found on the BCCC app and is available to members and regular attenders. Click the button below to email your photos to Lizz Bellamy. Please include in the email your name, address and phone number.

bC kids: Birth-5th grade

It's a blessing to serve your kids here at BCCC. Stay up to date with all upcoming events by checking out the BC Kids Event Calendar Below!
Student Ministry: 6th-12th Grade
Stay connected with all things students at BCCC! Click the button below to stay up to date with all upcoming events by checking out the Student Calendar!

BOones Creek Christian Church App
If you haven't already downloaded the BCCC APP, take a moment to add it to your mobile device. Stay up-to-date on events, check-in for church, register for upcoming meals or classes, join a team serving the Kingdom, take care of online giving and more.
Be sure to create a profile after you've downloaded the app and toggle on all notifications so that you remain up to date on everything we have going on here at BCCC. We are excited for this new way to stay connected. Let's do church - together!
Be sure to create a profile after you've downloaded the app and toggle on all notifications so that you remain up to date on everything we have going on here at BCCC. We are excited for this new way to stay connected. Let's do church - together!
coffee bar
Coffee will be available in the Koinonia Kafe 8:00 - 11:00 AM.

difference dollars
We ask that you consider giving an extra $1 per week for each member of your family. We have assembled a team to consider requests that come in so that BCCC can make a Difference with our members and in our community when they have needs by showing the love of Jesus!
If you know of a friend, family member, neighbor, or co-worker that needs assistance, you can nominate them for assistance by completing the form linked below.
Also, you can check out the stories of those we have helped by following that link.
If you know of a friend, family member, neighbor, or co-worker that needs assistance, you can nominate them for assistance by completing the form linked below.
Also, you can check out the stories of those we have helped by following that link.