Car Repair Ministry

What's a car repair ministry?

Thanks to the expertise and willingness of one of members, Scott Burger, we are able serve in a unique way by helping families with automobile repairs . This ministry is aimed particularly at widows and single-parent households (see James 1:27), but can be utilized by anyone.

If your car is in need of some repairs or you need some help diagnosing a problem, Scott is willing to help. Some repairs he will be able to complete for just the cost of the parts. Others he will need to refer to another mechanic.

If you would like to register for some assistance, please click the button below. This will ask for your contact information plus information about your car (make, model, year, VIN), and its symptoms. Also, if you have car repair skills that you are willing to offer to help, please contact the office at 423-282-0248 and we will put you in touch with Scott to see how you can assist.