About our Sunday School Classes
We have Sunday School classes available at 8:30, 9:45, and 11:00am. All of the classes go through an in depth study of the same scripture that is taught in adult worship. Each class follows a discussion based format as well. Check out the various Sunday School classes and locations of those classes below! If you're interested in learning more about some of our classes or want to join a class, we would love for you to fill out the form below and Heath, our Adult Education Minister, would love to connect you with a class!
Check Out Our Classes!

Homebuilders Class
Room 101 @ 9:45am
Ages 65+

Joy Class
Room 106 @ 9:45am
Retired, ages 70’s-90’s

Promise Seekers Class
Room 109 @ 8:30 and 9:45am
Couples and singles, ages 50+

Disciples for Christ Class
Room 103 @ 9:45am
Couples, ages mid 40’s-50’s

Christ-Followers Class
Room 402 @ 10:00am
Couples, singles, and parents, ages 40’s-60’s

Koinonia Class
Room 102 @ 9:45am
Couples, ages 30-45

Kairos Class
Room 110 @ 9:45am
Diverse age group

Collective Class
Room 506/508 @ 9:45am
Millennials and Early Gen Z, ages 30-45

Made Known Class
Room 107 @ 9:45am
Ages 18-24

Grace and Truth Class
Room 109 @ 11:00am
Empty Nesters, ages 50+

Living Hope Class
Room 102 @ 11:00am
Ages 55+
The Way Class
Room 110 @ 11:00am
Ages 25-35